Accessible Transport 4 U

Accessible Transport 4 U Community Interest Company & Associates

Access House, 54 Staple Hill Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 5BS

Helpline: 01174-625-913

As from 1st April 2023 Accessible Transport 4 U Community Interest Company has set up ATAS-Accessible Transport Advice Service. You will see on our website as many organisations as we can identify that may be able to help you get accessible supportive transport. The aim of ATAS is to bring to you a one place area where you can research easier any organisation that can help you across all the areas/counties AT4U used to operate in and around. The data will increase as we extend our searches. We also would ask you for your help if there are areas we are not reporting on so we can add them to our site.

For example we are currently looking in detail in South Wales, Hereford, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, North Devon, Dorset, Cornwall. Other areas as soon as we can. It takes time. But we aim to have our pages full of information you can access.

BUT, and there is always a but, there will be times you will have to contact directly the organisations to find out exactly what areas they cover, because it is impossible and would make the page too complicated, if we included this information.

News update– we are working in support of Disabled Travel Service- registered charity- who is setting up a brand new accessible transport door to door service, very much on the lines of what AT4U did, however it will not be providing transport for students etc. It is aimed at persons with mobility problems and very much a community orientated service based in Bristol to anywhere in mainland Britain. The service is based in East Bristol and hence the name “Eastolian Accessible Transport-EAT.” This service will no way be starting until after September 2023. So watch this space…

Signature of Director Martyn J Hancock